I’m Pitchaya Sudbanthad, author of BANGKOK WAKES TO RAIN. As I work on new projects that I hope you’ll be able to read sooner or later, this newsletter serves in the meantime as another way for me to commune with readers. Unlike some authors, I don’t think I’m gifted with (or cursed by) graphomania; the newsletter should be very occasional.
I’ll likely ruminate on some top-of-mind topics or expand on thoughts I may have shared in other media, touching on:
What I’m reading: books, essays, news articles
My personal experiences with writing and being an author
Climate disruption and the Capitalocene
Cultural issues in our ttranscultural age
Miscellany and et cetera
Subscribe to not miss an update from me.
Thank you for reading.

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Novelist and author of BANGKOK WAKES TO RAIN